Here's some of my favorite oddities in Music, Literature, Movies and more for your perusal and edification. Hope you enjoy them! I do.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Indestructable Beat Of Soweto

I was originally turned on to South African music by listening to Johnny Clegg on old MTV (Remember when they actually played music? And late night, sometimes cool and obscure stuff) inspired me to look further into World Music and South African music especially. Beautiful rhythms and harmonies from a fantastic heritage and a troubled country, which at that time was still under the rule of apartheid. Later I'd go to our local Schookids Records and just find records that looked cool and buy many were so good. This collection was one excellent one! Still available in CD form, and a great introduction to many now Old-School SA styles. Wonderful stuff.

Here's an example of this music working on the youth of America:

Here's another great track from the same record:

And here's that first video from Johnny Clegg that just blew my mind 30+ years ago. I'll have to do a seperate post for his work, but check it out too!

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