Here's some of my favorite oddities in Music, Literature, Movies and more for your perusal and edification. Hope you enjoy them! I do.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hayseed Dixie

Strangely enough, I first heard this band while on tour in Germany with Michael Katon. Of course my first reaction was "Absolutely brilliant! Who wouldn't like this?" and I think I was right...Hayseed Dixie has had a great if somewhat Underground career. Take a bunch of really top-class bluegrass studio guys with a love of old rock and roll, and turn them loose on one of the classic rowdy rock bands in works! It works really well. As time's gone on, the boys have branched out from AC/DC into other ventures, with excellent results. The invented back story of the Hayseeds is fairly amusing in itself, I'll post up their video of it here. But really, some very inventive and hilarious music awaits your open ears on this one...

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