Here's some of my favorite oddities in Music, Literature, Movies and more for your perusal and edification. Hope you enjoy them! I do.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hall Of Douchebags

As a musician myself, I've had to endure many photoshoots for promo pictures. Some were better than others...and so many were sad little projects that went like this: "Let's just go out in the alley during the break and Andy's girlfriend can shoot a shot against the brick wall! It'll look great". Well, it didn't! But some looked pretty funny. Now there's a great website where a huge number of really unfortunate band pics are grouped together, with hilarious and appropriate commentary, at The Hall Of Douchebags. Just go to
for hours of fun at the expense of all us hapless musicians! I'll have to dig out some of my old shots and donate them...there's some doozys. I should mention that the photo above is NOT my band!

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