Here's some of my favorite oddities in Music, Literature, Movies and more for your perusal and edification. Hope you enjoy them! I do.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to the Funhouse

I just want to say I'm creating this blog from pure peer pressure. After regaling my friends and family with recommendations for things I, art, bizarre culture, mad websites, cults, ethnic recipes, dance troupes, roadside attractions, etc. ....I had a crowd of my people draw me aside and suggest, in the nicest possible way, that I create a blog about it so they could read it and turn their friends on to what I was on about. At least it seemed nice at the time. They had the hoses and the lead pipes, but they didn't actually use them, which I sure thought was nice.

So here I am, up in my humble garret, bats fluttering around my head, figuring I'll try and post up something once in a while to possibly amuse my friends and incidentally keep the hoses offa my head. Thanks, Bruce, Richard, everybody else, you can put those away now, I'm typing already!

If I wind up writing about something you're already hip to, well, congratulate yourself on your pre-existing hippitude, and maybe next week I can turn you on to something you haven't heard about yet. And feel free to be reciprocal about this...if there's something you think I should know about please write and let me know, that would be great! I've found some great things out just stumbling around, but perhaps if we all stumble around together we can make our lives even more interesting and cooler too.

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