Here's some of my favorite oddities in Music, Literature, Movies and more for your perusal and edification. Hope you enjoy them! I do.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Call Of Cthulhu

H.P. Lovecraft has been a huge influence on writers of Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction since he started putting his mad, dark, purple prose out (in the short story "Dagon) in 1919. He certainly had a huge influence on me...I remember as a young teen tucked away in a dark wood lined basement coffeehouse at the U of M, drinking tea and eating Space Food Sticks and reading "The Colour Out Of Space". Heady stuff.

I was in the Public Library recently and found this film adaption of "Call Of Cthulhu" there. After sitting through many bad Lovecraftian films, I was very pleasantly surprised by this one. It's done as a silent film, in the style of classic 20s silents, with a great symphonic score. For a movie done on a tiny budget it's amazingly well acted (again, close to 20s silent style) and it works for the material very well...the brooding dark quality is enhanced by the retro vibe.

If you haven't delved into Lovecraft's work, wassa matta wit you? Fear not the miasma tainted by the fetid ichor of his prose and open the strange book bound in you dare not guess what. And watch this movie, by the way! Make some extra popcorn for me. For more info on H.P., check here:
And before I go I'll post up the movie's trailer. Watch it, watch it, but beware...your very sanity may be at risk...

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