Here's some of my favorite oddities in Music, Literature, Movies and more for your perusal and edification. Hope you enjoy them! I do.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Agile Guitars

Ever want to rock out on a Les Paul? Ever look at popular Gibson prices and just sigh sadly like a sad sighing thing, resolving to never rock at all? Well, hell, there's hope yet! Rondo Music is selling the Agile line of guitars, with some really beautiful instruments at prices that even destitute fools like me can afford. I know I sound like an ad for Agile here...but I think it's good to know about, if you even play just a little for fun, but you'd like something nice. These are professional musical tools though for sure...solid mahogany bodies, Gotoh tuners, well-made hardware and very good woodworking throughout. I was so impressed that I wound up getting two...a regular Sunburst LP copy and a 12-string LP! Just TRY finding one of those 12-strings. You'd have to go to Gibson's custom shop and spend $5,000 to $7,000 at least. I got mine for under $300.

I think right now we're living in another golden age of guitars. The early Fenders and Gibsons (I'm talking about the early electric era from the late 50s to the early 70s) were amazing, groundbreaking, breathtaking guitars. They still are. And a lot of new Fenders and Gibsons are beautiful least some are. But it's a crapshoot as to quality sometimes, and the prices are now not in a league that many musicians can afford, especially beginners. However nowadays the entry level instruments are MUCH better than in my beginner's days in the 60s, and many, like Agile, Jay Turser, Samick and Cort are producing things that are really really good instruments, things that many professionals are taking out on the road...sometimes just because their prized Gibson is too valuable to risk getting swiped!

Understand this...these Agiles are made in Korea...from my research the guitar builders are paid very well relative to the cost of living there, and there seem to be good working conditions in the shop. I'm all for buying American stuff whenever I can, but Gibson has priced themselves out of my market when a stock Les Paul is $2500 or more...I just don't have that kind of money right now. I bought my sunburst Agile AL 2000 used on Ebay for $150! Now it does have a thicker poly finish (which doesn't seem to affect the tone all that much)...and I did wind up changing the pickups (although I really didn't have to, the originals were pretty good)...but again, the woods and the construction were equal to the originals, and I've played many worse LPs than my little Agile. You may feel differently, but there's my two cents. When my ship comes in and people are flocking to my concerts, maybe then I'll look for a nice older Paul. Some of them are REALLY special. But here in my hand-to-mouth reality, I'll keep playing these. And I won't feel too bad about it either!

Check out these guitars at if you've a mind to. I don't get any financial reward (alas) for advocating these guitars, but hey Rondo guys, anytime you wanna send me a free guitar it's OK by me. Maybe one of those 6-String Fretless Basses!

Dauntless 6 string

Agile AL 2500 12-String

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